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  1. <footer>
  2. <div class="container-md beautiful-jekyll-footer">
  3. <div class="row">
  4. <div class="col-xl-8 offset-xl-2 col-lg-10 offset-lg-1">
  5. {% include social-networks-links.html %}
  6. {% if page.footer-extra %}
  7. <div class="footer-custom-content">
  8. {% for file in page.footer-extra %}
  9. {% include {{ file }} %}
  10. {% endfor %}
  11. </div>
  12. {% endif %}
  13. <p class="copyright text-muted">
  14. {% if %}
  15. {{ }}
  16. &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;
  17. {% endif %}
  18. {{ site.time | date: '%Y' }}
  19. {% if site.url-pretty %}
  20. &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;
  21. <span class="author-site">
  22. <a href="{% if site.url-canonical %}{{ site.url-canonical }}{% else %}{{ '' | absolute_url }}{% endif %}">{{ site.url-pretty }}</a>
  23. </span>
  24. {% endif %}
  25. {% if site.matomo %}
  26. {% if site.matomo.opt-out %}
  27. &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;
  28. <a href="http://{{- site.matomo.uri -}}/index.php?module=CoreAdminHome&action=optOut" target="_blank" class="text_muted">Do-not-Track</a>
  29. {% endif %}
  30. {% endif%}
  31. </p>
  32. {% unless site.remove-ads %}<p class="theme-by text-muted">
  33. Powered by
  34. <a href="">Beautiful Jekyll</a>
  35. </p>{% endunless %}
  36. </div>
  37. </div>
  38. </div>
  39. </footer>