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49 lines

  1. # Define standard eol format
  2. # Web Files
  3. *.html text eol=lf
  4. *.md text eol=lf
  5. *.css text eol=lf
  6. *.js text eol=lf
  7. # Jekyll related files
  8. *.yml text eol=lf
  9. # Git related files
  10. .gittattributes text eol=lf
  11. .gitignore text eol=lf
  12. .gitkeep text eol=lf
  13. # Ruby files
  14. *.rb text eol=lf
  15. Gemfile text eol=lf
  16. Gemfile.lock text eol=lf
  17. # Github specific fies
  18. LICENCE text eol=lf
  19. # Docker specific files
  20. Dockerfile text eol=lf
  21. # VSCode files
  22. *.json text eol=lf
  23. # General multimedia files
  24. *.jpg binary
  25. *.jpeg binary
  26. *.gif binary
  27. *.png binary
  28. *.t3x binary
  29. *.t3d binary
  30. *.exe binary
  31. *.data binary
  32. *.ttf binary
  33. *.eof binary
  34. *.eot binary
  35. *.swf binary
  36. *.mov binary
  37. *.mp4 binary
  38. *.mp3 binary
  39. *.ogg binary
  40. *.flv binary