@@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ |
Check out the [CHANGELOG](./CHANGELOG.md) to see the latest features. |
- **SIMPLE**: The primary goal of Beautiful Jekyll is to allow literally *anyone* to create a website in a few minutes. |
- **Modern**: Uses the latest best practices and technologies to achieve nearly perfect scores on Google Chrome's Audit. |
- **Mobile-first**: Designed to look great on both large-screen and small-screen (mobile) devices. |
- **Highly customizable**: Many personalization settings such as changing the background colour/image, adding a logo. |
- **Flexible usage**: Use Beautiful Jekyll directly on GitHub or using a Ruby gem - choose the best [development method](#build-your-website-in-3-steps) for you. |
- **Battle-tested**: By using Beautiful Jekyll, you'll be joining tens of thousands of users who used this theme since 2015. |
- **Links to your social media**: You can easily add links to any of your social media accounts in the footer of every page. |
- **Comments support**: Add comments to any page using either [Disqus](https://disqus.com/), [Facebook comments](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments), [Utterances](https://utteranc.es/), or [Staticman](https://staticman.net). |
- **Modern**: Uses the latest best practices and technologies to achieve nearly perfect scores on Google Chrome's Audit. |
- **Mobile-first**: Designed to look great on both large-screen and small-screen (mobile) devices. |
- **Highly customizable**: Many personalization settings such as changing the background colour/image, adding a logo. |
- **Flexible usage**: Use Beautiful Jekyll directly on GitHub or using a Ruby gem - choose the best [development method](#build-your-website-in-3-steps) for you. |
- **Battle-tested**: By using Beautiful Jekyll, you'll be joining tens of thousands of users who used this theme since 2015. |
- **Links to your social media**: You can easily add links to any of your social media accounts in the footer of every page. |
- **Comments support**: Add comments to any page using either [Disqus](https://disqus.com/), [Facebook comments](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments), [Utterances](https://utteranc.es/), or [Staticman](https://staticman.net). |
- **Share blog posts on social media**: By default, all blog posts have buttons to allow people to share on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn. |
- **Tags**: Any blog post can be tagged with keywords, and an index page showing all the tags is automatically generated. |
- **Tracking analytics**: Easily integrate Google Analytics, or other analytics platforms, to track visits to your website. |
- **Photos support**: Any page can have a cover photo around its title, and any blog post can have an associated image. |
- **Tracking analytics**: Easily integrate Google Analytics, or other analytics platforms, to track visits to your website. |
- **Photos support**: Any page can have a cover photo around its title, and any blog post can have an associated image. |
- **More advanced features**: I wrote [a blog post](https://deanattali.com/2015/03/12/beautiful-jekyll-how-to-build-a-site-in-minutes/) describing some more advanced features that I used in my website that can be used in any beautiful-jekyll site. |
# Build your website in 3 steps |
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Fork this project by clicking the __*Fork*__ button at the top right corner of t |
### 2. Rename the project to `<yourusername>.github.io` |
Click on __*Settings*__ at the top (the cog icon) and on that page you'll have an option to rename the project (*repository name*). This will create a website with the **Beautiful Jekyll** template that will be available at `https://<yourusername>.github.io` within a couple minutes. Check out the [FAQ](#faq-and-support) if you want to use a different project name. |
Click on __*Settings*__ at the top (the cog icon) and on that page you'll have an option to rename the project (*repository name*). This will create a website with the **Beautiful Jekyll** template that will be available at `https://<yourusername>.github.io` within a couple minutes. Check out the [FAQ](#faq-and-support) if you want to use a different project name. |
### 3. Customize your website settings |
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Note that in the video above I only edited one setting in the `_config.yml` file |
## The hard way (using ruby gems) |
If you followed the easy method above, then you already have your site and you can skip this section! If you want to install beautiful-jekyll using ruby gems instead, follow the [advanced installation instructions](https://beautifuljekyll.com/getstarted/#install-steps-hard). |
If you followed the easy method above, then you already have your site and you can skip this section! If you want to install beautiful-jekyll using ruby gems instead, follow the [advanced installation instructions](https://beautifuljekyll.com/getstarted/#install-steps-hard). |
# Add your own content |
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ To look at existing files, click on any file that ends in `.md`, for example [`a |
In contrast, look at [`tags.html`](./tags.html). That's how your write HTML - not as pretty. So stick with markdown if you don't know HTML. |
Any markdown or HTML file that you create will be available on your website under `https://<yourusername>.github.io/<pagename>`. For example, if you create a file `about.md` (or `about.html`) then it'll exist at `https://<yourusername>.github.io/about`. |
Any markdown or HTML file that you create will be available on your website under `https://<yourusername>.github.io/<pagename>`. For example, if you create a file `about.md` (or `about.html`) then it'll exist at `https://<yourusername>.github.io/about`. |
Files you create inside the [`_posts`](./_posts) directory will be treated as blog entries. You can look at the existing files there to get an idea of how to write blog posts. Note the format of the blog post files - they must follow the naming convention of `YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.md`. After you successfully add your own post, you can delete the existing files inside [`_posts`](./_posts) to remove the sample posts, as those are just demo posts to help you learn. |
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ title | Page or blog post title |
subtitle | Short description of page or blog post that goes under the title |
tags | List of tags to categorize the post. Separate the tags with commas and place them inside square brackets. Example: `[personal, analysis, finance]` |
cover-img | Include a large full-width image at the top of the page. You can either provide the path to a single image (eg. `"/path/to/img"`) , or a list of images to cycle through (eg. `["/path/img1", "/path/img2"]`). If you want to add a caption to an image, then the image should be provided as `{"/path/to/img" : "Caption of image"}`. |
comments | If you want do add comments to a specific page, use `comments: true`. Comments only work if you enable one of the comments providers (Facebook, disqus, staticman, utterances) in `_config.yml` file. Comments are automatically enabled on blog posts but not on other pages; to turn comments off for a specific post, use `comments: false`. |
comments | If you want do add comments to a specific page, use `comments: true`. Comments only work if you enable one of the comments providers (Facebook, disqus, staticman, utterances) in `_config.yml` file. Comments are automatically enabled on blog posts but not on other pages; to turn comments off for a specific post, use `comments: false`. |
## Less commonly used parameters |
@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ show-avatar | If you have an avatar configured in the `_config.yml` but you want |
thumbnail-img | For blog posts, if you want to add a thumbnail that'll show up next to the post's excerpt in the feed, use `thumbnail-img: /path/to/image`. If no thumbnail is provided, then `cover-img` will be used as the thumbnail. You can use `thumbnail-img: ""` to disable a thumbnail. |
share-img | The image to use when sharing the page to social media. If not provided, then `cover-img` or `thumbnail-img` will be used. |
social-share | By default, every blog post has buttons to share the page on social media. If you want to turn this feature off, use `social-share: false`. |
nav-short | By default, the navigation bar gets shorter after scrolling down the page. If you want the navigation bar to always be short on a certain page, use `nav-short: true` |
nav-short | By default, the navigation bar gets shorter after scrolling down the page. If you want the navigation bar to always be short on a certain page, use `nav-short: true` |
gh-repo | If you want to show GitHub buttons at the top of a post, this sets the GitHub repo name (eg. `daattali/beautiful-jekyll`). You must also use the `gh-badge` parameter to specify what buttons to show. |
gh-badge | Select which GitHub buttons to display. Available options are: [star, watch, fork, follow]. You must also use the `gh-repo` parameter to specify the GitHub repo. |
layout | What type of page this is (default is `post` for blog posts and `page` for other pages). See _Page types_ section below for more information. |
layout | What type of page this is (default is `post` for blog posts and `page` for other pages). See _Page types_ section below for more information. |
description | A brief description of the page (used in search engines and when the page is shared). |
## Advanced parameters |
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ These are advanced parameters that are only useful for people who need very fine |
Parameter | Description |
----------- | ----------- |
footer-extra | If you want to include extra information in the footer, create an HTML file in the `_includes/` folder (for example `_includes/myinfo.html`) and set `footer-extra` to the name of the file (for example `footer-extra: myinfo.html`) |
footer-extra | If you want to include extra information in the footer, create an HTML file in the `_includes/` folder (for example `_includes/myinfo.html`) and set `footer-extra` to the name of the file (for example `footer-extra: myinfo.html`) |
language | HTML language code to be set on the page's <html> element. |
use-site-title | If you want to use the site title rather than the page title as the HTML document title, use `use-site-title: true`. |
js | List of local JavaScript files to include in the page (eg. `/assets/js/mypage.js`) |
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Beautiful Jekyll is actively used by thousands of people with wildly varying deg |
- ### What if I want a free domain, but not `https://<yourusername>.github.io`? |
Every GitHub user can have one repository (repository = project) named `<yourusername>.github.io` and the website for that repository will be `https://<yourusername>.github.io`. |
Every GitHub user can have one repository (repository = project) named `<yourusername>.github.io` and the website for that repository will be `https://<yourusername>.github.io`. |
If you want your project to be named something else, for example `MyAwesomeProject`, that's no problem! All you have to do is go to _Settings_ at the top right corner of the page, and rename your repository to `MyAwesomeProject` (**remember to click on the _Rename_ button to confirm!**). Then you need to scroll down to the _GitHub Pages_ section and choose "master branch" as the source (not "master branch /docs folder"!). |