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yt_common: colossally stupid ordered chapters stuff

louis f hace 3 años
Firmado por: louis <louis@poweris.moe> ID de clave GPG: 44D7E1DE4E23D6F2
Se han modificado 5 ficheros con 128 adiciones y 28 borrados
  1. +1
  2. +7
  3. +32
  4. +64
  5. +24

+ 1
- 0
.gitignore Ver fichero

@@ -25,4 +25,5 @@ ffmpeg2pass*.log

+ 7
- 0
yt_common/.flake8 Ver fichero

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
count = True
ignore = W503,E226
max-line-length = 120
exclude = stubs/*
show-source = True
statistics = True

+ 32
- 12
yt_common/yt_common/automation.py Ver fichero

@@ -7,19 +7,24 @@ import random
import shutil
import string
import subprocess
import tempfile

from lvsfunc.render import clip_async_render

from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, cast

from .chapters import Chapter, make_chapters
from .chapters import Chapter, Edition, make_chapters, make_qpfile
from .config import Config
from .logging import log
from .source import FileSource

core = vs.core

AUDIO_ENCODE: str = "_audiogetter_encode.mka"
AUDIO_PFX: str = "_audiogetter_temp_"

def get_temp_filename(prefix: str = "", suffix: str = "") -> str:
return f"{prefix}{next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())}{suffix}" # type: ignore

def bin_to_plat(binary: str) -> str:
@@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ class Encoder():
log.warn("Existing output detected, skipping encode!")
return outfile, []

params = [p.format(frames=end-start, filename=filename) for p in self.params]
params = [p.format(frames=end-start, filename=filename, qpfile="qpfile.txt") for p in self.params]

log.status("--- RUNNING ENCODE ---")

@@ -124,14 +129,24 @@ class AudioGetter():
self.cleanup = set()

def trim_audio(self, ftrim: Optional[acsuite.types.Trim] = None) -> str:
trims = self.src.get_audio()
if not trims or len(trims) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Please implement multifile trimming")
audio_cut = acsuite.eztrim(trims[0].path, trims[0].trim or (0, None), streams=0)[0]
trims = self.src.audio_src()

tlist: List[str] = []
for t in trims:
audio_cut = acsuite.eztrim(t.path, t.trim or (0, None), ref_clip=self.src.audio_ref(),
outfile=get_temp_filename(prefix=AUDIO_PFX, suffix=".mka"),

if len(tlist) > 1:
ffmpeg = acsuite.ffmpeg.FFmpegAudio()
audio_cut = ffmpeg.concat(*tlist)

if ftrim:
audio_cut = acsuite.eztrim(audio_cut, ftrim, ref_clip=self.src.source())[0]
audio_cut = acsuite.eztrim(audio_cut, ftrim, ref_clip=self.src.source(),
outfile=get_temp_filename(prefix=AUDIO_PFX, suffix=".mka"))[0]

audio_cut = self.config.encode_audio(audio_cut)
@@ -164,7 +179,8 @@ class SelfRunner():

def __init__(self, config: Config, source: FileSource, final_filter: Callable[[], vs.VideoNode],
workraw_filter: Optional[Callable[[], vs.VideoNode]] = None,
chapters: Optional[List[Chapter]] = None) -> None:
chapters: Optional[List[Chapter]] = None,
editions: Optional[List[Edition]] = None) -> None:
self.config = config
self.src = source
self.video_clean = False
@@ -242,6 +258,10 @@ class SelfRunner():
log.status("Comparison generated.")

open("qpfile.txt", "w").close() # guarantee qpfile is created/cleared as appropriate
if (editions or chapters) and (start == 0 and end == self.clip.num_frames):
make_qpfile("qpfile.txt", chapters=chapters, editions=editions)

settings_path = os.path.join(self.config.datapath, f"{self.profile}-settings")
if not os.path.isfile(settings_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Failed to find {settings_path}!")
@@ -260,9 +280,9 @@ class SelfRunner():

self._do_audio(start, audio_end)

if chapters:
if (editions or chapters) and (start == 0 and end == self.clip.num_frames):
log.status("--- GENERATING CHAPTERS ---")
make_chapters(chapters, self.timecodes, f"{self.config.desc}.xml")
make_chapters(self.timecodes, f"{self.config.desc}.xml", chapters=chapters, editions=editions)

log.status("--- MUXING FILE ---")

+ 64
- 10
yt_common/yt_common/chapters.py Ver fichero

@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import _Element

from random import getrandbits

from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Set
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set

LANGMAP: Dict[str, str] = {
"eng": "en",
@@ -13,9 +15,16 @@ LANGMAP: Dict[str, str] = {
class Chapter(NamedTuple):
title: str
frame: int
end_frame: Optional[int] = None
lang: str = "eng"

class Edition(NamedTuple):
chapters: List[Chapter]
default: bool = False
ordered: bool = False

class RandMan:
used: Set[int]

@@ -30,6 +39,9 @@ class RandMan:
return str(r)

rand = RandMan()

def timecode_to_timestamp(stamp: float) -> str:
m = int(stamp // 60)
stamp %= 60
@@ -38,18 +50,15 @@ def timecode_to_timestamp(stamp: float) -> str:
return f"{h:02d}:{m:02d}:{stamp:06.3f}000000"

def make_chapters(chapters: List[Chapter], timecodes: List[float], outfile: str) -> None:
chapters.sort(key=lambda c: c.frame)
rand = RandMan()

root = etree.Element("Chapters")
ed = etree.SubElement(root, "EditionEntry")
etree.SubElement(ed, "EditionUID").text = rand.get_rand()
def chapters_xml(chapters: List[Chapter], timecodes: List[float]) -> List[_Element]:
atoms: List[_Element] = []

for i, c in enumerate(chapters):
start = timecode_to_timestamp(timecodes[c.frame])
end = timecode_to_timestamp(timecodes[chapters[i+1].frame]) if i < len(chapters) - 1 else None
atom = etree.SubElement(ed, "ChapterAtom")
end = timecode_to_timestamp(timecodes[c.end_frame]) if c.end_frame else \
timecode_to_timestamp(timecodes[chapters[i+1].frame]) if i < len(chapters) - 1 \
else None
atom = etree.Element("ChapterAtom")
etree.SubElement(atom, "ChapterTimeStart").text = start
if end is not None:
etree.SubElement(atom, "ChapterTimeEnd").text = end
@@ -58,6 +67,51 @@ def make_chapters(chapters: List[Chapter], timecodes: List[float], outfile: str)
etree.SubElement(disp, "ChapLanguageIETF").text = LANGMAP[c.lang]
etree.SubElement(disp, "ChapterLanguage").text = c.lang
etree.SubElement(atom, "ChapterUID").text = rand.get_rand()

return atoms

def edition_xml(edition: Edition, timecodes: List[float]) -> _Element:
ed = etree.Element("EditionEntry")
etree.SubElement(ed, "EditionFlagOrdered").text = "1" if edition.ordered else "0"
etree.SubElement(ed, "EditionUID").text = rand.get_rand()
etree.SubElement(ed, "EditionFlagDefault").text = "1" if edition.default else "0"

for x in chapters_xml(edition.chapters, timecodes):

return ed

def _to_edition(chapters: Optional[List[Chapter]] = None,
editions: Optional[List[Edition]] = None) -> List[Edition]:
if (chapters and editions) or (not chapters and not editions):
raise ValueError("Must supply one and only one of a list of chapters or list of editions!")

if chapters:
editions = [Edition(chapters=chapters, default=True, ordered=False)]

assert editions is not None
return editions

def make_chapters(timecodes: List[float], outfile: str,
chapters: Optional[List[Chapter]] = None,
editions: Optional[List[Edition]] = None) -> None:
editions = _to_edition(chapters=chapters, editions=editions)
root = etree.Element("Chapters")
for e in editions:
root.append(edition_xml(e, timecodes))

with open(outfile, "wb") as o:
o.write(etree.tostring(root, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True))

def make_qpfile(qpfile: str,
chapters: Optional[List[Chapter]] = None,
editions: Optional[List[Edition]] = None) -> None:
editions = _to_edition(chapters=chapters, editions=editions)
frames = set(c.frame for e in editions for c in e.chapters)
with open(qpfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as qp:
qp.writelines([f"{f} I\n" for f in sorted(list(frames))])

+ 24
- 6
yt_common/yt_common/source.py Ver fichero

@@ -64,10 +64,14 @@ def glob_filename(pattern: str) -> str:
class FileSource(ABC):
def _open(self, path: str) -> vs.VideoNode:
return depth(core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(path), 16) if path.lower().endswith(".m2ts") \
else depth(core.d2v.Source(path), 16) if path.lower().endswith(".d2v") \
else depth(core.ffms2.Source(path), 16)

def audio_ref(self) -> Optional[vs.VideoNode]:
return None

def get_audio(self) -> List[FileTrim]:
def audio_src(self) -> List[FileTrim]:

@@ -77,16 +81,30 @@ class FileSource(ABC):

class SimpleSource(FileSource):
src: List[FileTrim]
sclip: Optional[vs.VideoNode]
aref: Optional[vs.VideoNode]
asrc: Optional[List[FileTrim]]

def __init__(self, src: Union[str, List[str], FileTrim, List[FileTrim]]) -> None:
def __init__(self, src: Union[str, List[str], FileTrim, List[FileTrim]],
aref: Optional[vs.VideoNode] = None,
asrc: Optional[Union[FileTrim, List[FileTrim]]] = None) -> None:
srcl = src if isinstance(src, list) else [src]
self.src = [FileTrim(s, (None, None)) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in srcl]
self.sclip = None
self.aref = aref
self.asrc = asrc if isinstance(asrc, list) else [asrc] if asrc is not None else None

def audio_ref(self) -> Optional[vs.VideoNode]:
return self.aref

def get_audio(self) -> List[FileTrim]:
return self.src
def audio_src(self) -> List[FileTrim]:
return self.asrc if self.asrc else self.src

def source(self) -> vs.VideoNode:
return core.std.Splice([s.apply_trim(self._open(s.path)) for s in self.src])
if self.sclip:
return self.sclip
self.sclip = core.std.Splice([s.apply_trim(self._open(s.path)) for s in self.src])
return self.sclip

class DehardsubFileFinder(FileSource):
@@ -124,7 +142,7 @@ class FunimationSource(DehardsubFileFinder):
self.ref_is_funi = False
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

def get_audio(self) -> List[FileTrim]:
def audio_src(self) -> List[FileTrim]:
if self.ref_is_funi:
return [FileTrim(self.get_funi_filename(), (FUNI_INTRO, None))]
